
Gotta Level Up!

Recently I came upon a blog called, "Japanese Level Up".
It's a really interesting and informative site.
It has helped me to get some ideas on how to improve my study.
One blog post I really enjoyed was "What Level Are You?".

I'm sure every Japanese language learner has wondered where they are on
the learning scale. I have always wondered since my lessons are private tutoring.
I might have passed JLPT N5 but it can't really tell me where I am.
It's a test after all.

This obsession might derive from video games for me.
It'd be great to always have words pop up and a voice saying,
"Congrats! You've leveled up!" 

For myself I would say I'm between level 5~10. 
I'm working on Genki II.
I don't keep track of how many kanji I know. ><

It's nice to have something to go by. 
I always felt I was level 1~4.
You know, that feeling that you haven't improved?
This has definitely boosted my confidence and am using the site a lot.

I recommend it. The blogger, Adshap, posts many helpful material based on level.
That way you're not trying to attack something that's level 40 when you're level 30.
And getting frustrated to boot.

He also posts videos based on level too. Adshap YouTube Channel

What level are you?

1 comment:

  1. Wow, interesting blog! I'm still a level 1. But yea, I'm hoping my level grows once I learn my material. ^^
