
冬休みがチャレンジ: Progress 4

I've been wanting to post this for awhile.
The first week of January I went to a museum with my older brothers.
I took the chance of the one hour ride to study.
I studied vocab and grammar.
I was pretty surprised I could focus when my brother blasts music to the max in his car.

During my lesson I was more open to speaking,
but I still stuck to phrases I'm too comfortable with.

I added more vocab to my memo.
For some reason 顎、同僚、and 煩わしい have in planted in my brain from studying.
I think it's because it's from practicing speaking and not from my textbook vocab list.
I've been wanting to download the Anki app to my iTouch so I can carry my Anki decks with me,
but it's a tad expensive. Till I have the money for it I downloaded a SRS ap called iAnki.
It's not as great as Anki, but it's the best SRS app I've used so far.
(I've used some other ones so far that were terrible!)

Also, my Darling is a Foreigner DVD and manga arrived. I really enjoyed watching the movie.
The male character is a language otaku, so I can relate to him a lot. I got the book in bilingual form.
It's too advanced for me I think. First I'm reading it in English for pleasure, and then I'll be using it
in my Japanese lessons as my reading piece.
So much fun!

I'm slightly bothered because my school is starting a week earlier than I thought.
So my challenge will be ending this Thursday.
I think I'll have to make a new challenge for Spring semester.

How is your challenge going?

P.S Please comment if you have any ideas on how I can improve my blog.


  1. I don't know how you can study with music blasting! My brother plays loud music too... can't stand it!

    Oh, how interesting! I didn't know they had that manga in a bilingual version. I really enjoyed the movie.

    I love challenges. I'm thinking I'll do a quick challenge during Spring Break. But I don't know if I can do a challenge and school at the same time, ha. But I do feel hungry for a reading challenge. I have a lot of books I want to read. Perhaps I should do another challenge too after all.

    1. Usually I can't study with music blasting. It was odd.

      I'm thinking of a mini challenge and a long term challenge this semester. ^^

  2. I really want to push myself from that mid lvl. 20 onto lvl. 30 (Japanese Level Up). I can read manga with furigana now without a dictionary (though having a J-J one helps). My next step is to see if I can handle a light novel. Brought some from Japan to use. I think I will incorporate that in my next challenge. For the Spring break, I could make a mini challenge as well. Hmm...

    Let me know what your challenges will be!

    1. I haven't checked what lvl I am on JLU. Kinda scared that I'm still at the same lvl. I want to get better at reading. I enjoy books a lot. I still read with a dictionary next to me. I think I'll be doing a main challenge and a mini challenge during break.
      ^^ These challenges are good motivations.
