
Meetup #3

During the long weekend I got the chance to hang out with レイチェルちゃん again. I also got the chance to sleep over. (やった!)
I feel a lot more comfortable riding the train now. During the ride to ボストン I finishing reading ダーリンは外国人in English. The story was OK, and it wasn't enjoyable enough for me to want to read it in Japanese. I thought it was a romantic story, but that's not the case. I didn't like the couple in it either. There are a lot of good example sentences of everyday expressions one can use though. The translation too was a tad bit off I think. I think I'll come back to it at a later time. 

レイチェル picked me up from the station and we went to the Japanese lunch square like we always do. She treated me to our favorite delicious smoothie, and I treated us to Japanese baked goods. For some reason it never hit me to try the stuff there. I've always wanted to try Japanese bakery food, and Meaphe's videos about them got me VERY curious. (And jelly) I was going to buy melon pan but it quickly ran out!
As we looked around I asked レイチェル how order food in Japanese. I wanted to practice the counters. To my disappointment the person at the bakery was not Japanese. 
 I always wanted to try this treat! Never thought I'd get to so soon.I remember seeing it in lucky star and really wanted to it. Though I'm not positive if it is the same dish.
 The second item I bought was bread filled with curry. 美味しかった~
 This was レイチェル's treat, but I don't remember what it was. 

We also went to a supermarket that has a bakery and I bought メロンパン! It was as tasty as I imagined it would be. We made rice and curry for diner. レイチェル's curry is the best I've ever had. ♥_♥

We spend the day chatting about our Japanese learning journey and other things. She showed me her book collection. There's something warm and comforting seeing a shelf full of books. We then spent the rest of the day watching MLP and the Legend of Korra. 

We both hope that eventually we'll be brave enough to publicly vlog. I hardly filmed or I would forget too. So I hope in the future to make up for it. I would write my experiences with レイチェル in Japanese for practice, but I need to get these up ASAP. I don't have the extra time I would need to do so. ごめん

I hope to learn to make these in the future!

Video I took over her house.

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